MySaleManager.NET - The automation software solution for kids consignment sales
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"MSM continues to be such a blessing to us at KidsTown. MSM is set up so well and encompasses the many aspects of running a sale and what is needed to help things run smoothly. The ease of the setting up and transition into using MSM, the support offered and given and the continual improvements made, all make MSM a truly remarkable system."

Sale Manager Features (How It Works)

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General Overview of What MySaleManager.NET Offers
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MySaleManager.NET is a service that provides your consignment event with easy to use online consignor registration, drop-off appointment scheduling, volunteer worker registration & scheduling, item entry & tag printing, pre-sale registration, and online mailing list signup. Sale Owners are provided with their own unique, secure Administration Portal, where they can manage all aspects of their sale related data and their MSM account. Each MSM client is provided with an unlimited license for "Sale Manager", the Point-of-Sale software which is loaded on computers at your sale and handles all shopper checkout functions quickly and easily. Utilizing the MySaleManager.NET service for your consignment event will drastically reduce the amount of time you spend handling consignor and volunteer registrations before your sale because everything is "self-serve" for your consignors and volunteers. After your sale is over you can perform lightning fast seller reconciliation and have your consignor checks printed in less than an hour. You can give your consignors an itemized list of what sold, so there is no longer any need for resorting tags after your sale is over.

  • Online consignor registration, drop off appointment registration, online item entry and tag printing, volunteer registration, pre-sale registration, online mailing list signup
  • Feature-rich, easy to use Administration Portal for Sale Owners to manage all aspects of their MSM account and sale-related data.
  • Feature-rich Point of Sale (POS) application designed specifically for a seasonal consignment event. Allows you to perform all Point-of-Sale functions as well as manage all other aspects of your sale data directly from your sale computers during your sale. Internet Access is NOT required.
  • Responsive customer support (even outside of standard business hours - we are there when YOU need us, not just when it is convenient.)
  • Your MSM account pages are matched to the look-and-feel of your website (logo, background colors/graphics, website colors, etc.) so it appears your consignor has never left your website.
  • You are not required to acknowledge or mention MySaleManager.NET in any way on your website or your documentation.
  • MSM clients have private access to the MSM Knowledge Base, which is full of helpful hints and tips for getting the most out of your MSM account.
  • Easy seller reconciliation after your sale is over, including printing of itemized seller reports and checks. Your seller reports can be uploaded to your MSM account so your consignors can view them online.
  • Most reports from the MSM system can be easily copied and pasted into Excel (or extracted as a .csv file) for any other analysis you may want to perform with the data.
Online Consignor Registration
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  • We can easily import your existing consignors into your account, so they can keep their existing consignor numbers after you implement MSM.
  • Allows you to register NEW or RETURNING consignors. A "returning consignor" is someone that has already received a consignor number for your sale at a past sale.
  • Returning consignors can login to their "Consignor Homepage" which allows them to see critical information for their account as well as access all MSM features from one place, with only one login required.
  • Sale Owners can receive an email for each consignor that registers, and consignors are sent an automated email (which sale owner can add custom information to) confirming their registration.
  • Sale Owners can choose different methods of how consignor numbers are assigned to new consignors, and they can choose to allow a consignor to "request" a specific number when they sign up (this is optional).
  • There are many different reports available in the Admin Portal to help you see who is/is not registered, etc.
  • Sale Owners can require their consignors to pay their consignor fee up-front using Paypal or other methods. Consignor will be unable to access other areas of MSM (drop off appointment signup, item entry, etc.) until they have paid their consignor fee.
  • Sale Owners can require registering consignors to view and electronically accept their Seller Agreement before being allowed to register.
  • Sale Owners can place a limit on the number of consignors that area allowed to register for each sale.
  • Sale Owners can add "problem" consignors to a Prohibited Consignor List, which prohibits those consignors from registering for future events.
  • Sale Owners can send customized email messages (full HTML formatting!) to their consignors (registered, unregistered, all consignors, etc.) or other types of contacts at any time from the admin portal.
  • Sale Owners can download their consignor data anytime, as often as they want from the admin portal.
  • Consignors can be designated as "restock consignors" so that they can be assigned to special restocker only drop-off times.

Consignor Item Entry/Tag Printing
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  • Easy to use online system for inventory entry and tag printing. Inventory entry screens are optimized to allow for fast entry and there are even options for allowing consignors to enter items using their voice. The inventory entry system has mobile options available so that consignors can easily work with inventory from their phone or tablet.
  • Item categories and size listings can be customized by the Sale Owner to accomodate whatever items are allowed at their particular consignment event.
  • Sale Owner can place limits on the number of items a consignor is allowed to have in their inventory for each sale.
  • Sale Owner can place limits on the number of items allowed on a per category (ie boys clothes, girls clothes, shoes, maternity, etc.) so that consignors can only enter a certain number of items for a particular item category.
  • A quantity field allows your consignors to easily enter multiple "like" items without having to enter each one individually.
  • The MSM system allows consignors to differentiate between items for your current sale or past sales, meaning that your inventory reports, etc. pertain only to items that are ACTUALLY coming to your upcoming sale.
  • Sale Owners have access to reports that show how many items are in inventory and the value of those items on an overall, per consignor, or per category/size basis.
  • Consignors print fully barcoded, easy to read tags on thier home computer, at their convenience.
  • Consignors can print all their tags at once, or just a select group of tags. Consignors can re-print tags anytime. There are no tag printing fees, and no limit on the amount of tags that can be printed (unless set by the sale owner).
  • Consignors can choose to print their tags in either HTML or .PDF format.
  • Consignors can print an inventory list and pick from several different sorting options.
  • Barcoded tags are printing directly from what exists in consignor inventory to reduce errors.
  • Many different tag formats available for Sale Owners to choose from.
  • Consignors can easily transfer inventory between different sales that use MSM. Each sale owner has the ability to allow or restrict this functionality.
  • Consignors can easily re-use tags from items that did not sell at a past sale, no re-tagging needed.
  • Although item tags are all printed with barcodes, you can still manual enter the tags into the Sale Manager POS during your sale if you need/want to. All the information for manual entry is printed right on the tag.
  • Consignors can view a list of sold items during your sale, so they can keep up with how they are doing. Consignors love this feature and it keeps them engaged with your sale and visiting your website often during your event.
  • Sale Owners can enter inventory and print tags for a consignor via the admin portal if necessary.
  • Sale Owners can enter inventory and print tags for a consignor via the Sale Manager POS during their sale.

Drop-off Appointment Scheduling
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  • Allow consignors to register for drop-off appointments which allows you to even-out the load on your drop-off days
  • Simple one-click registration for a drop-off appointment
  • Sale Owners have complete control of their drop-off appointment schedule and can change it at anytime, in real-time
  • Sale Owners can create their drop-off schedule quickly and easily by basing it off a prior sale's drop off schedule.
  • Generate reports to help you view your overall drop-off schedule and manage your drop-off schedule
  • Send emails to consignors who have not yet signed to for a drop-off appointment, and send automated reminder emails to consignors who have signed up, reminding them of their drop off time.
  • Special appointments can be created that only restock consignors can see so that they choose appointments during your restock time rather than your normal drop-off time.
  • Sale Owners can choose to receive notifications when consignors signup for drop-off appointments.

Pick-Up Appointment Scheduling
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  • Allow consignors to register for pick-up appointments which allows you to even-out the load on your pick-up days when consignors come back to pick up their unsold items.
  • Simple on-click registration for a pick-up appointment
  • Sale Owners have complete control of their pick-up appointment schedule and can change it at anytime, in real-time.
  • Sale Owners can create their pick-up schedule quickly and easily by basing it off a prior sale's pick up appointment schedule.
  • Generate reports to help you view your overall pick-up schedule and manage your pick-up schedule.
  • Send emails to consignors who have not yet signed up for a pick-up appointment, and send automated reminder emails to consignors that have signed up, reminding them of their pick up time.
  • Sale Owners can choose to receive email notifications when consignors sign up for a pick up appointment.

Online Volunteer Registration
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  • Allows consignors and/or non-consignors to register for volunteer shifts online (sale owner decides)
  • Simple "one-click" registration for a volunteer shift. Sale owner can place a limit on how many shifts any one person is allowed to sign up for.
  • Volunteer shifts automatically "close" when all positions are filled, and automatically "re-open" when a position is added or one becomes available.
  • Sale Owner can add a description to each volunteer position to better clarify the duties for that shift.
  • Public or Private volunteer shifts can be created. Public shifts are viewable and available to everyone. Private shifts are not viewable to the public so Sale Owners can "hand-pick" the volunteers to place on private shifts.
  • Sale Owners have complete control over their volunteer schedule. No limit to the number of volunteer shifts that can be created. Sale Owners can modify their volunteer positions at anytime, with those changes viewable by the public as soon as they are made.
  • Sale Owners can quickly and easily create thier volunteer shift schedule by basing it off a prior sale's volunteer schedule.
  • Sale Owners can print a Volunteer "Status Report" which shows them all of their volunteer shifts, how many positions are open on each shift, and details about which volunteers are working which shifts - all on one report!
  • Sale Owners can print reports showing who has and has not signed up for volunteer positions, how many positions each volunteer has signed up for, etc.
  • Sale Owners can place a link to a "read only" version of their volunteer schedule, so they do not have to keep a separate schedule up to date on their sale website.
  • Easily send "reminder emails" to your volunteers to remind them of their assigned volunteer shift details.
  • Troublesome volunteers can be placed on a "Prohibited Worker List". The system will not allow a worker on the prohibited list to sign up for volunteer positions.
  • Sale Owner can receive automatic notifications when someone signs up for a volunteer shift. Volunteers receive an automated email (customizable by the sale owner) when they sign up for a volunteer position.

Online Mailing List
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  • Allow the public to sign up on your mailing list easily!
  • We can import your existing mailing list into your account when we set it up!
  • Easily manage your mailing list (such as removing duplicates) with special tools available in your Admin Portal
  • Consignors, Volunteers, pre-sale registrants, etc. are automatically added to your mailing list.
  • Easily extract and download your entire mailing list, or portions of your mailing list (consignors, volunteers, etc.) in Excel format.
  • Easily send HTML formatted emails to your mailing list (or portions of your mailing list) from your Admin Portal
  • Schedule emails to send automatically at a future date/time.
  • Several different reports available to help you review and manage your mailing list.
  • Ability to categorize and download your mailing list based on contact preference (postal, email, or both)

Pre-sale Registration
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  • Allows people to register for a pre-sale. This pre-sale can be customized for any type of pre-sale you wish to have (New Moms, Military, Teacher, etc.)
  • Ability to charge for pre-sale passes and have the fee collected via paypal at the time of pre-sale registration.
  • Automated email sent to each person that registers for your pre-sale. The email has a unique pass number on it and can be used as the Pr-esale pass if desired
  • Sale Owner has the ability to add additional text to the automated email that goes to a pre-sale attendee when they register.
  • Sale Owner has the ability to limit the number of pre-sale registrations that will be accepted.
  • Several different reports available to help you manage your pre-sale registrations.
  • pre-sale registrants are automatically added to your mailing list and you can email them as a unique group easily.

Administration Portal
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  • The Admin Portal is a special area of MSM where a sale owner manages all aspects of their MSM account in real-time.
  • An online, fully funtional, no strings attached demo is available so you can see how easy it is to manage your MSM account. Request demo admin portal login credentials HERE
  • In the Admin Portal you can work with consignors, volunteers, volunteer schedules, drop off appointments, consignor inventory/tags, mailing list and many other aspects of your MSM account, and do it all from one place with easy to use tools!
  • Download all of your sale related data easily, anytime.
  • Your admin portal and the data it contains in secure. No one can access your admin portal or the data contained in your account unless you give them the credentials.
  • Email your consignors, volunteers, pre-sale attendees, mailing list, or a subset of those easily with full HTML editing capability.
  • There are many useful reports available in the Admin Portal. Here are just a few of them to give you an idea of what you can see easily:
    • Consignor Reports (registered, unregistered, all): Easily see a detailed list of how is registered/not registered. Email addresses are visible and hyperlinked so you can easily send a consignor an email with just a mouse click, directly from the report!
    • Consignor Inventory Report: Print an itemized list of the items contained in a consignors inventory anytime, with multiple sorting options.
    • Drop Off Appointment Schedule: Print an easy to read overall drop-off schedule so you can easily see who is coming to drop off and when they are coming.
    • Volunteer Schedule Status Report: Print an easy to read volunteer schedule showing who has signed up for what positions. Report also lets you see what shifts still have open positions, and which shifts are full.
    • Volunteer Sign-in Sheet: Prints a volunteer sign-in sheet sorted and grouped by shift, with the volunteers name pre-printed and a place for signature. Great for helping you keep track of who has and has not shown up for thier shifts during your sale.
    • Inventory Reports: Print reports that show you the total number of items and value of those items, sorted and grouped by category and size. Great for floor planning!
    • Referrals Reports: Print reports that detail the referral options selected by consignors, pre-sale attendees, and the mailing list to help you see which advertising options are getting the most response.
  • You can perform any action FOR your consignor via the admin portal (registration, item entry, tag printing, etc.)
  • You can keep "notes" on any consignor which helps you keep a running record of good experiences, bad experiences, or other pertinent information about consignors from sale to sale.
  • Keep up with your inventory in REAL-TIME. As soon as any consignor enters a new inventory item, it is immediately viewable by you in the admin portal. You can watch you inventory grow as it is being entered!

Our Point-of-Sale Software ("Sale Manager")
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  • Performs all standard POS functions (barcode scanning, sales tax, receipt printing, refunds, etc.)
  • Performs an automatic backup of each transaction so that if something happens to your main database, it can be automatically rebuilt from transaction logs (especially reassuring to sales that do not remove tags)
  • Fast and easy manual entry mode if you don't want to scan barcodes, or have trouble scanning a particular barcode
  • Tracks all transactions during your sale and gives you the ability to go back and review any transaction at any time.
  • Allows for different tax rates on different item categories, which is great if your state charges different sales tax percentages for clothing than for toys (for example)
  • Allows for up to 3 different payment types per transaction (if a customer wants to pay with cash and credit card for example).
  • Allows you to work with ALL of your sale related data right on your sale computers during your sale
  • Ability to sign-up volunteer workers on the spot during your sale and assign them to available volunteer positions
  • Ability to register new or returning consignors on the spot, enter or edit inventory and print tags for them right on your sale computers during your sale.
  • Ability to search inventory during your sale - especially helpful to re-tagging items that have lost their tags.
  • Perform all seller reconciliation activities right on your sale computers immediately after you have sold your last item. No uploading needed and no internet connection required!
  • Print seller reports and checks for multiple consignors at one time with just the click of a button, and upload those seller reports to MSM so that your consignors can view them online.
  • Print donation reports for multiple consignors at one time with just the click of a button, and upload those donation reports to MSM so that consignors can view them online.
  • View a myriad of statistics about your sale (total revenue, revenue per day, average checkout amount, number of checkouts, sales tax collected, etc. - just to name a few!)
  • Administrative login to protect sensitive data from curious eyes.
  • Easily upload data to the admin portal so consignors can view their list of sold items as well as their estimated earnings online
  • Print reports to assist you with resorting
  • Print a sold items list, unsold items list, and a donated items list for your consignors
  • Ability to scan in your consignors inventory during drop-off so you will know EXACTLY what they brought to your sale, giving you the ability to ACCURATELY guarantee items if you choose to (optional).
  • Runs in a simple network environment so you view data about your sale that is up to the second accurate anytime, from any workstation. You can install Sale Manager on as many workstations as you wish.
  • Automatically discounts any "discountable" item on your discount day. You do not have to manually specify.
  • View/edit "consignor notes" so that you can make/view notes about consignors as events happen at your sale.

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